The Allentown Pinball Wizards Convention 2009
Inside this trailer, on the right, is "Humpty Dumpty," Gottlieb's first game with flippers, and on the left, a very rare Nascoe "Ivanhoe," which was a conversion kit for "Humpty Dumpty." There was also another conversion kit for this game, called "Crown Jewels," which was made by Block Marble Company. |
Some rare stuff here. |
This is possibly from the late 30's or 40's. |
Here's a backglass from a rare pin made by Baker Novelty and Manufacturing Company in 1940. |
This backglass is from a rare 1941 Genco pin |
This backglass is from a rare 1940 Exhibit Supply Co. pin. |
This backglass is from a very rare Bally 1946 pin, which features backglass animation. |
Needs some touch up. |
This backglass came complete with patriotic stamps. I really should have bought this. |
No idea what this playfield is from, but the "Baseball" backglass on the right is from a very rare 1944 "Marvel" conversion game. |
Here were some restored playfields for sale. |
Here's some hard to find parts for a 1951 Williams "Spark Plugs" pin. |
Here's some hard to find parts for a crane game from I'm guessing the 50's. |
There were some cool gameroom items for sale, including this vintage popcorn machine, which I'm guessing is also from the 50's. |
Don't forget the soda... |
...or the candy. |