The Allentown Pinball Wizards Convention 2009


Inside this trailer, on the right, is "Humpty Dumpty," Gottlieb's first game with flippers, and on the left, a very rare Nascoe "Ivanhoe," which was a conversion kit for "Humpty Dumpty." There was also another conversion kit for this game, called "Crown Jewels," which was made by Block Marble Company.

Some rare stuff here.

This is possibly from the late 30's or 40's.

Here's a backglass from a rare pin made by Baker Novelty and Manufacturing Company in 1940.

This backglass is from a rare 1941 Genco pin

This backglass is from a rare 1940 Exhibit Supply Co. pin.

This backglass is from a very rare Bally 1946 pin, which features backglass animation.


Needs some touch up.

This backglass came complete with patriotic stamps. I really should have bought this.

No idea what this playfield is from, but the "Baseball" backglass on the right is from a very rare 1944 "Marvel" conversion game.

Here were some restored playfields for sale.

Here's some hard to find parts for a 1951 Williams "Spark Plugs" pin.

Here's some hard to find parts for a crane game from I'm guessing the 50's.

There were some cool gameroom items for sale, including this vintage popcorn machine, which I'm guessing is also from the 50's.

Don't forget the soda...

...or the candy.