Ok sports fans. Here's a rare Bally "Grand Slam" baseball themed pin.  Notice this is a 2 player pin.  Bally also made a 4 player version of this same pin.

The playfield features "flyaway" targets.

Maybe you prefer bowling?

Maybe horseracing perhaps?  The horses advance in the head of the game.

Hit a target on the left or right to advance a group of numbered horses, or hit a numbered target at the top of the playfield to advance that particular horse.  Notice the sparkling playfield. I used to own one of these pins.  Expect to see cracks throughout the playfield from heat from the bulbs and wear.  The colors on the playfield are usually faded.

Here's another World Cup Soccer pin, with a neat topper.

 How about "Soccer," tennis, or boxing?


There were only about 1,500 "Rocky" pins made.

Check out the inverted flippers and the wild playfield layout.  I think there is also a bell in this game.

One of the best Williams EMs of all time, I found right here at PAPA9.  Which one in this row would it be?

You guessed it.  Star Pool!  I sold mine, and I wish I hadn't. They are quite hard to find.  Also, the cabinet paint is usually scraped and faded, but this wasn't the case here.  This pin was designed by the legendary Steve Kordek, with artwork by Christian Marche.

Like Triple Action, also from 1974, which you saw earlier, this playfield features  an orange spinner, which turns when the ball hits it. There's also four drop targets, and a neat looking bonus layout, similar to "Eight Ball."  The playfield on the Star Pool I used to own had cracks in it, and flipper drag marks.  The backglass had spots of spray paint where somebody had tried to restore it and instead, ruined it.

PAPA is not a show. There are no pins for sale. So how did this happen?

I found a "Red Baron" project pin on "Mr. Pinball Classifieds." A friend of mine was supposed to meet the seller in a couple of weeks.  That fell through. My game was stranded I think in Michigan.  I posted on the newsgroup "," and would you believe, someone was picking up a pin not a few blocks away from this guy and then headed to PAPA?! Needless to say, this cost a lot less than having it shipped.

After four days of some intense pinball, it was time to crash for a while.