The Simpsons Movie hit theatres on Friday, July, 27th, 2007
and was the number one movie in the country for one week. It was released
on dvd Tuesday, December 18th, 2007.
USA Today reported that Springfield, VT hosted the The Simpsons Movie premiere on July 21st at the 76-year-old Springfield Theater, since their town was the winner of a contest thrown by Twentieth Century Fox. You can read that article HERE. I have included here two movie reviews I clipped from a couple small publications. One is Star Watch, something that turns up in my mail box every week. The other article is dated August 24, 2007, from a free publication which I think I picked up at the beach this past summer, but I don't remember which one. I thought it was interesting in the Star Watch article, they mention that ideas for a Simpsons Movie went back as far as 1992. I remember hearing talk of a live action movie, which fortunately never happened. You can read a bunch of rumors about the Simpsons movie as it might have happened HERE at the newsgroup, I thought a few years back I saw a preview for a movie showing Homer accidentally crossing over to the real world and becoming a 3d character. Well, that actually was the ending of the episode "Treehouse of Horror VI," which you can read about HERE at Wikipedia. There are additional screenshots HERE at the The Simpsons.....Woohoo!!! site. In October, 2000, there was an IMAX movie called "Cyberworld." The "Homer3" Treehouse Of Horror sequence was featured in this movie, which you can read all about HERE at The Internet Movie Database. |
"Cinematic Simpsons", Star Watch, August 8, 2007
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Critics Corner "The Simpsons Movie"
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