"Run, Cooper, Run" pin sighting screen shots
There are three pins seen in the "Montecito
Arcade." Notice that Future Spa and Fireball Classic have nice
crisp red displays. It's possible that the displays are
replacements, or the windows were covered in red film so they wouldn't
throw off the camera's focus. There are three arcade scenes. In the
first one, at 7 minutes, 32 seconds into the episode, Future Spa is
seen. In the second scene at 23 minutes, 46 seconds into the
episode, Future Spa and Fireball Classic is seen. In the third
arcade scene, Future Spa is shown again, and if you look closely, you can
see Firepower way back in the far left corner.
This episode was aired in October, 2007, but the pins are from 1979, 1980, and 1984. I guess somebody on the production team liked solid state pins. |