Marlin directs traffic as setup continues. |
More recent pins were also at the show.

On the left is the Williams classic "World Cup Soccer.". |

Pay admission fee here as you enter. |

The setup continues. |

"Sky Jump" is one of my favorite Gottlieb electromechanical pins. |
Eric displays the playfield for "Criticial Mass," an unfinished Gottlieb pin, which he eventually completed, and has taken to the York Show for everyone to enjoy. |

On the left, "Hang Glider," and "Old Chicago," two pins I played on location years ago. |

Partially pictured is a hydraulic lift table, available at "Harbor Freight" for approximately $200. |

Mr. Bingo sets up "Silver Sails." |
Notice the fine print. |

Before buying that bingo project, make sure it is complete. |

Other turtles pins include the Stern 2020 version, but if that's out of your budget, consider the mini virtual pin made by "Boardwalk Arcade," which resembles this 1991 Data East version. |
In the flea market area was "Stingray," one of my favorite Stern solid state pins. |

I got this "Space Invaders" playfield. The one on the right is "Bobby Orr Power Play." One not pictured because somebody beat me to it by seconds was "Mata Hari." |

Here were two classics I had never heard of until this show. |

More classics. |

Speaking of classics, here were two fully restored. |

Yet another classic, which I vaguely remember from years ago. |

A search on The Internet Pinball Database under "baseball" returns 339 records. |

See you next year! |